Vanliga frågor
Vanliga frågor
Du kan logga in och se orderstatus och spårning på sidan My Dashboard under senaste beställningar. Om du checkade ut som gäst kan du maila oss på så ger vi dig gärna en uppdatering.
Hur lång tid tar frakten?
Leveranstider varierar eftersom vi skickar över hela världen från olika leveranscenter baserat på din plats. Den genomsnittliga leveranstiden är cirka 5 till 10 arbetsdagar. Ditt spårningsnummer kommer att uppdateras 2-3 dagar efter att din beställning har skickats.
Hur avbryter jag en beställning?
Vi kan endast avbryta beställningar inom de första 12 timmarna efter att beställningen har lagts. Därefter har beställningen med största sannolikhet behandlats och förbereds för leverans eller har skickats. När detta väl träder i kraft är det ur våra händer. Vi ber om ursäkt för eventuella besvär detta kan orsaka, men vi är stolta över snabb service och detta inkluderar att få ut dina beställningar så snabbt som möjligt.
Vad är din returpolicy?
Om det är något fel med din beställning (defekt produkt, felaktig beställning, skadad beställning etc.), vänligen kontakta oss inom 7 dagar från att du mottagit din beställning så hjälper vi dig gärna med att granska ärendet och om det godkänns vi kommer att skicka en ersättare. Vänligen returnera inget innan vi granskar ärendet, vår kundtjänst kommer att granska begäran och skicka ytterligare instruktioner. Costy förbehåller sig rätten att avslå alla returförfrågningar.
Du kommer att vara ansvarig för att betala dina egna fraktkostnader för att returnera din vara. Originalfraktavgifter återbetalas inte.
Vilka betalningsmetoder accepterar du?
Vi accepterar Paypal, kreditkort (Visa, MasterCard, Discover och American Express), betalkort eller E-Check (dvs med ditt vanliga bankkonto)
Tänk på att det tar 2-4 dagar för oss att behandla dina returnerade varor efter att de har tagits emot. Vi återbetalar priset för varan inklusive eventuella skatter som du har debiterats (exklusive alla tillämpliga fraktkostnader) när vi tar emot returen. Beroende på din bank kan du tillåta upp till två faktureringscykler innan din kredit visas på ditt kontoutdrag. För internationella beställningar kan vi inte utfärda återbetalningar för några tullar, tullar eller ytterligare avgifter som kan tillkomma din beställning.
Vilka betalningsmetoder accepterar du?
Vi accepterar Paypal, kreditkort (Visa, MasterCard, Discover och American Express), betalkort eller E-Check (dvs. med ditt vanliga bankkonto)
Behöver du ytterligare hjälp? Du kan kontakta oss
Order & Delivery
Delivery Timelines:
- United States/Europe/Japan: Expect your items to arrive within 7-13 days.
- Asia/South America: Your order should be with you in 13-15 days.
Presale Items:
Please note that items on presale typically take an additional 8-10 days to dispatch.
We are committed to delivering your order swiftly and efficiently, ensuring the high quality of service you deserve.
Stay Updated on Your Order:
- Monitor Your Order Progress: To keep an eye on your order's journey, simply click here. Our tracking system will give you real-time updates on the status of your purchase.
- Carrier Tracking: For detailed tracking, you can visit the carrier's website directly. This will provide you with in-depth transit information about your package.
- Tracking Timeline: Tracking details will become active and available approximately 6 days after your tracking number has been issued. We appreciate your patience as the carrier updates the delivery status.
Free for Orders over $59.
A shipping fee of $7.99 will be charged for orders below $59.
Individual Shipment of Items:
Should your order comprise several items, please be aware that they may be dispatched independently based on stock availability across our various shipping centers.
Assurance on Delivery:
In the event that all items do not arrive together, rest assured that any outstanding packages will be delivered to you within the subsequent few days.
Experiencing Postal Issues?
If you encounter any complications with the Post Office, such as a lost, damaged, or destroyed parcel, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Our dedicated team is committed to resolving your concerns swiftly and satisfactorily.
Contact Us for Support:
For prompt assistance, email us at We strive to meet and exceed your expectations, providing solutions to ensure your satisfaction.
Purchase & Returns
You have the flexibility to make changes to your order provided it has not yet entered the "in process" stage. This allows us to ensure that any adjustments you need are applied before your items are prepared for shipment.
Cancellation Policy:
You are welcome to cancel your order while it is still being prepared. However, once the order has been dispatched, we are unable to retract it from shipment. Please ensure any cancellation requests are made promptly to avoid any inconvenience.
Return Eligibility for Defective Products:
We stand by the quality of our products, which are subject to rigorous quality checks before dispatch. However, in the rare event that you receive a product with a manufacturing defect, we're here to help.
Steps to Initiate a Return:
- Capture Evidence: Please take a clear photo of the defective item, ideally within its original packaging.
- Provide Order Details: Include your order number in the correspondence for quick reference.
Condition for Returns:
To qualify for a return, the item must be in an unused state, identical to how it was upon arrival. This ensures we can proceed with a return or exchange as needed.
Please reach out to us with the necessary information, and we will guide you through the return process.
Size Guide for Perfect Fit:
To ensure a perfect fit, each of our textiles comes with a comprehensive size guide. Our dedicated team meticulously measures each item and provides detailed comments in the product descriptions to assist you in making the best choice for your size.
Responsibility of Size Selection:
By selecting a size, the buyer acknowledges responsibility for the choice of any products that may not fit as expected, whether they are too small or too large.
Our Commitment to Your Satisfaction:
We understand that receiving an item that doesn't fit can be disappointing. If this happens, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our customer support. We are committed to your satisfaction and will explore every possibility to resolve your concern, including potential compensation.
Payment & Security
Payment Methods for Your Convenience:
Choose from a variety of secure payment options to complete your purchase:
- Credit Cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and more
- Debit Cards: All major bank cards accepted
- PayPal: For a quick and secure checkout
- Apple Pay: For an easy and fast payment experience on your Apple devices
Select the method that works best for you and enjoy a seamless shopping experience.
Certainly, here's a customer-friendly version of your message about the security of your website:
Your Security, Our Priority:
When you see "HTTPS" in the URL of our store, it’s more than just letters—it’s your assurance of a secure shopping experience. HTTPS, the secure form of HTTP, is empowered by SSL/TLS protocols to safeguard your financial transactions.
SSL Certification - A Mark of Trust:
As committed e-merchants, we recognize that SSL encryption is not just a best practice—it's vital. It's our way of ensuring that your personal data remains confidential and safe from any potential cyber threats or identity theft.
Recognizing Safety:
Look for the padlock icon in your web browser's URL bar—that's the visual indicator of an SSL certificate at work. Additionally, the 's' in 'https' stands for 'secure', signifying that the connection to our website is encrypted for your protection.
Shop with confidence, knowing that we are dedicated to securing every step of your online experience.
Payment Authorization and Confirmation:
Upon successful payment authorization, you'll promptly receive an email confirming your order. The charged amount will be debited from your account within 24 to 48 hours, ensuring a smooth transaction and quick processing of your purchase.
Should your card not be authorized, rest assured, no charge will be made to your account. For such instances, we recommend trying an alternative credit card, or you may opt for the convenience of PayPal or Apple Pay to complete your purchase.
Thank you for shopping with us, and we look forward to fulfilling your order!